Update on new Zazzle Products

I’ve been a little slow on getting new products onto Zazzle since the first flush of enthusiasm, but it was always in my mind to use it to show off my best photographs in calendars – these appear to be highly professional designs, and should be attractive to the right audience. My first calendar is one with my best Kauai shots, and within a day of putting it on-line, I was awarded their Best Product Award – a great pat on the back as a newcomer in this field. I’ve pasted in a link to the calendar below – feel free to check it out! All I need to do now is sell one of these fine products!

Kaua'i Dreams Calendar calendar
Kaua’i Dreams Calendar by BackyardImage
View other Beach Calendars
(Visited 67 times, 1 visits today)

1 Response

  1. December 4, 2010

    […] Business,Stock Photography — admin @ 9:20 pm I was really pleased to get a Best New Product Award for my 2011 calendar of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands back in February. What is even better is that […]

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