Using Color to boost your sales

I’m trying, once again, to earn a little from the Dreamstime blog contest. Thanks to your help, I was successful last time with an article on Taking Nature Photos that sell and had $300 credited to my account at Dreamstime. This particular contest was all about color and how to use it in your photos. Being the business person, I immediately thought about how color can be used to make our images more attractive to buyers, rather that just more artistic in themselves, and you will find the blog post online here on the Dreamstime website.

Voting is open to people with an account at Dreamstime, either as a buyer or a contributor and you vote by clicking the “Useful” button on the left. Only click it if you read the article and you found it useful though – I’m not looking for votes for nothing and equally don’t want to run afoul of any Dreamstime internal checks.

Thanks again for your support!

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3 Responses

  1. traingeek says:

    I found it honestly useful!

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!