Another round up of new Stock Photos

Keeping up with my weekly postings of images submitted to the main microstock agencies! I obviously had the Space Shuttle Discovery imagesposted earlier in the week, but while down in DC, I took this shot of the Iwo Jima memorial with the Washington Monument and Capitol in the background. I was looking to contrast the hard working marines with the people who work in the Capitol….

Iwo Jima overlooks the Capitol

I also took some more images with my ring flash reviewed earlier. This one is of a bagworm which seem to be very popular in the pine/fir trees in my yard. I have never seen one actually being constructed, but they are cleverly made from the needles of the tree itself and I think hold a collection of worms or bugs that later come out as something else!


Here I had the flash overwhelming the daylight a bit to give a strong foreground light with a much darker sky behind. I thought that added drama to what could have been a relatively flat image.
Next up was a bit of mowing. As I was going around the meadow through the buttercups I thought it would be a nice shot to have “senior man on mower” type shot. We are always being told that there is a need for a broader range of people shots on stock libraries and so here is one to add to the collection:

Senior man on mower

I tried to leave a reasonable amount of space at the side of the image for any text in the final presentation.
A neighbor is having some ground leveled for horses and so I took a few images of the heavy earth moving equipment that was digging and flattening the space. These needed a bit of Photoshop work to remove the maker’s name and marks.

Earth Moving

Finally, we have a pair of Killdeer birds that nest in the gravel by the side of the road each year. They are fascinating little birds – they are constantly watching for anyone coming near the nest and then they run, squawk and spread their wings to give them more bulk and size as they distract you from the location of the nest. They have four spotted eggs and the birds hatched this weekend. The chicks are almost ready to go when they hatch – already feathered and able to walk a little. Within a day or two they will be flying (at least I think so!). I set up my camera with the 70-200 plus 1.4x extender and flash on a tripod close to the nest and used the Promote Remote Controlto trigger one shot every 10 seconds for a couple of hours. I then deleted most of them, but ended up with some interesting shots of the mother and chicks and then the chicks on their own as they start to move about. Fascinating.

Killdeer doing defensive dance

Killdeer on nest with chick

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