Fame at Last….

I had a 50 minute online chat with the host of ImprovePhotography.com, Jim Harmer, earlier in the week about stock photography. While I think I probably waffled on a bit, it was a good discussion and Jim has now posted the podcast on his site. He also wrote a nice blog post about the subject and the interview, which has done wonders for sales of my book on Amazon! If you have an empty hour to fill, and you always wondered if I spoke just like your favorite english actor, you could give a listen to the podcast!

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7 Responses

  1. Steve Boyko says:

    I listened to the podcast this morning on my regular morning walk, and you sounded very good!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks for your kind comments. I enjoyed it but went into a bit too much detail a couple of times, I think…

  3. sunny says:

    I loved the podcast and am happy to find your blog. Just wanted to say thanks!

  4. AlessandraRC says:

    Cool! The British accent was a surprise to me!

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!