Making more (and more) money from stock photography

After a good month in May, Adobe helped generate a sterling month in June 2022 although it would have been a reasonable month even without that windfall from the payment for images they have taken into their free library for a year. Taking all this into account, I earned a total of $3910 which is just $3 behind my all-time high back in October 2020 in the days when I could expect to get $1000 or so in the month from Shutterstock!

I had 223 assets accepted into the free library with Adobe which gave me almost $1100 in one-time royalties. As many people know, Adobe have been choosing images that have not sold well in recent past on Adobe Stock, although they could have sold well elsewhere. I did remove some of those from my list, although most of them were no longer selling as well as they once did. Always a balance, but I feel comfortable with this $1100 payment for those images. Without the one-time payment, my month would have ended with $2793. Better than last year, but below the levels of previous years. Here is my overall earnings history chart:

Historic earnings from selling stock photos and videos at stock photo agencies
Historic earnings from selling stock photos and videos at stock photo agencies

I also added some files to the main agencies in June – I am processing and keywording images from a recent cruise in Alaska and so I have increased my image count by around 150 photos so far. I also took some of house painters in my development that have been accepted by most sites. I took them without the faces of the painters showing, hence they could be commercially licensed. Here is my file count per agency:

Number of assets, photos and videos at the major stock photo agencies
Number of assets, photos and videos at the major stock photo agencies

Sticking with charts for now, this is also the end of the quarter and so I have included my earnings per agency in the second quarter of this year:

Quarterly earnings from each of the stock photo agencies I support in the second quarter of 2022
Quarterly earnings from each of the stock photo agencies I support in the second quarter of 2022

As you can see, Adobe was way above any other agency because of the one-off payment, but even knocking $1100 off this figure, it would still have been in first place, followed by that agency we love so much and then iStock. Then we drop quite quickly to Canva, which has been working very well for me recently and then Alamy and so on down the list.

Highlights in June 2022

Clearly Adobe was the highest earner with $1810, but at $694 it was well in the lead with SS being next with $535. iStock was a disappointment as it fell back to $367, then Alamy with $303 and Canva with $259. Surprisingly, the next one in the list was Freepik – the infamous free stock photo site, which earned $206 in June. I wrote about my experience with Freepik earlier in the week, and as I didn’t really add many images to them in June, this might be what I can expect going forward perhaps. Time will tell, off course!

Videos contributed $202 this month with one $33 sale from Pond5, a couple of $28 ones from Adobe and two $24 ones from SS as well as the usual collection of sub $10 licenses from them.

Best Selling images in June 2022

Alamy gave me my best priced images in June with several that made the grade. This first one is probably the sort of thing that Alamy is good for – a pretty rare image of the murals inside the Domus Aurea in Rome:

Wall murals inside the Domus Aurea in Rome
Wall murals inside the Domus Aurea in Rome

This earned me $42. Of course, it is available at the other much lower priced agencies as well, just showing that buyers don’t shop around very often. Then I sold two images of this frog for the same amount of $32 on the same day on Alamy. I expected to see a refund, but nothing so far:

Stock Photo of a frog among autumn leaves in a pond
Stock Photo of a frog among autumn leaves in a pond

One on SS was actually just above these with a sale at $43.75 with a modified view of San Diego, with the water replaced by a reflection:

San Diego sunset with artificial water reflection
San Diego sunset with artificial water reflection

And then my cat sold for $24 on SS in the month as well. Altogether, Alamy gave me 7 of the greater than $10 sales, netting $172, SS gave me 6 for $133 and Dreamstime had 2 at $13 each. No photos from Adobe stock broke that $10 barrier in June, interestingly.

My fine art print stuff was less successful this month, with just one sale on Fine Art America for a $99 profit:

Super pink moon rises above the WVU Coliseum in Morgantown WV
Super pink moon rises above the WVU Coliseum in Morgantown WV

I’m still putting effort into that side of the business, but it does seem to be more variable and less reliable than stock earnings! I have a lot of Alaska images to put online yet, although just how well they will sell is a big unknown.

That is it for this month – more in the weeks to come!

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19 Responses

  1. Steve, this is astounding! Stock photography isn’t anything I’ve ever thought of before. I guess when I hear the term “stock photography”, I think about macros and abstract kind of shots, not the landscapes and cityscapes that I tend to shoot. I have years and years of photographs in my hard drives that haven’t seen the light of day. Maybe I should think about submitting for stock photography. Do you have a blog post that talks about how to begin such an endeavor?

    • Steven Heap says:

      Yes, but I have been doing this for 14 years to get into this position! I’m not sure it is very easy, at all, to start now, if I’m honest. Have a look at a friend of mine’s blog for someone who started more recently. If you do want to go ahead though, I did write an ebook about it that is downloadable from my site. That pretty much tells you what to do (although it is a couple of years old now.

      • Thanks, Steve. I’ll have a look at both. I wouldn’t expect to make anything just beginning. It’s just such a foreign concept to begin with and didn’t know where to even begin. Thank you for the recommendations!

        • Steven Heap says:

          And please ask questions – you can email me directly if you want. Always happy to help a fellow artist!

  2. great numbers! Of course Adobe has helped with that payment for free images, but still a good benefit. Congratulations!

  3. Thanks for this one more detailed earnings report! Lucky you selling on Alamy! It used to be my best earner and now it is dead!

    • Steven Heap says:

      Yes, I do seem to have things on Alamy that attract attention from the buyers. About $80 of that total comes from old stuff that I managed to get on Getty through a partner and that seems to keep on selling. He takes 50% of what we make and so he makes the same amount as well.

  4. Miro says:

    Great month Steve, congratulation and wish you many more and better months.I appreciate your sharing.

  5. Amazing, I tried stock and got a poor return for the amount of hours I spent uploading and filling out date. Maybe some of it’s automated now. I still have some on 500px that Getty Images has bought. I need to stay focused, no pun intended.

    • Steven Heap says:

      500px is one of the worst for sales and the occasional sales come in at 2c… It can be quite automated although you have to still spend time keywording but the upload and submission parts are easier. Not for the faint hearted!

  6. Thanks so much for keeping up these monthly posts, Steve. It must take a lot of time and effort, and I just wanted to let you know how much this is appreciated. I have been following your posts for a couple of years now, and they have been a great source of encouragement and interest as my sales have gradually increased (though very small compared to yours!).

    • Steven Heap says:

      Thanks Angie! I will keep this up as long as my fingers can continue to find the right keys on the keyboard! Good luck with increasing your sales!

  7. Paolo Modena says:

    Thanks for this detailed earnings report: you’re giving a lot to our microstock contributor community. I really appreciate it. One info and question from my side. The info: I joined FreePik in September 2021, total asset approved 7880, total earnings 1550 euros: from my experience this is absolutely a good trend for an agency a joined less than one year ago. The information: what is the name of the software you use for the water reflection in your photographs? Thank you

    • Steven Heap says:

      Thanks for the information! I use a plugin for Photoshop called Flood (perhaps Flood2 now) from Flaming Pear. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have put any effort into this plugin for years and I keep expecting it to break, but so far it works! Just an update – I visited their site and it does seem to have been refreshed, so perhaps my fears are unfounded.

  8. Thank you for your very honest report and congratulations on the well deserved pay for such hard work. I am restarting my stockphoto ports and with all the doom and gloom you give me hope 🙂

  9. Sue Gresham says:

    AS always entertaining and very useful. I am coming back to photography (stock) after long illness and a house move. I have done well “tarting” up my photos …better at Photoshop now! I was going to subscribe, so I hope you will not give it up. Got to sort out PayPal – now at last legal here in Andorra and get the forms out WBEN or something – there is no tax agreement here in Andorra. I found a talk you gave online -much enjoyed and I am so glad that Alex (Portugal) has had some success with book covers. I hope to be able to manage Stock Submittr – I have been (still am)? with almost all the agencies that you a bit of dusting to do.!! Still sell one or two now and then. Not too far away, mountain zoo where you can book a special private time and specify which of their animals you would like to “shoot”! I hope to buy a Steadify harness, instead of using my tripod everywhere. Broke my hip and have to use a stick now and then… AND get a full frame camera, (I did not know then…the difference}. I lent it to a professional couple here (very kind and good friends) and it came back with slight dent. I can’t put a filter on. My Shop!! in UK say that it can be repaired (three weeks), but I don’t know when/ if I will go back to UK again, My professional friends here might know someone in Barcelona. Very best wishes to you and your wife.. and please do not give up your newsletter! (When I get PayPal up and running here. I can subscribe).
    Sue. photo journalist & designer. There is a sue gresham with a hyphen – we get mixed up!! my site just has a small picture, square in a frame and a tree!!

    • Steven Heap says:

      Hi Sue – so sorry to hear about your illness, and you broke you hip – goodness! Hopefully no long-term effects now although the stick must make life difficult sometimes! Don’t bother to subscribe – I stopped that earlier in the year as I was running out of new things to photograph, and also my heart wasn’t really in stock these days! I think the animals might work, but of course, there is not a great demand for animal images I’m afraid. I’m not sure what the Steadify harness is – I bump up the ISO these days to try to get sharp shots when I don’t have my tripod! I’ll check out your site!

I'm always interested in what you think - please let me know!