My stock photos help someone change their life…

It is not often that I write a heading like this! But I was reading the Washington Post today with an article about a world first at West Virginia University in Morgantown where they did an experiment on a long term opioid drug addict who was pretty much going to die in the near future from an overdose or similar accident. They inserted some probes deep into his brain and implanted a small computer in his chest that (if I understand it properly) monitored signs of him wanting to take drugs and fed back some signals that suppressed the desire directly in his brain. The article is here if you want the full story.

What caught my eye in the story is the part where they were testing the device by showing him images of opioids and watching what they were receiving from his brain to fine tune the response:

Extract from the Washington Post article about treating opioid addiction

The image on the TV monitor looked familiar and here it is:

My image of a Hydrocodone bottle and tablets

So not only did I earn 10c, I perhaps helped save someone’s life! Although I think the skills of the surgeons probably outweighed my contribution by about 1000 times!

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4 Responses

  1. erdinc says:

    thanks for great post and congratulations , by the way u change my life too ) after your blog i began shooting stock photos and footages and for now im paying with earnings some of my bills )) thanks

  2. traingeek says:

    That’s very cool… and I’m glad they actually licensed your image!

    • Steven Heap says:

      I’m assuming they licensed it! It would be funny if they had shown it with a Shutterstock watermark visible!

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