Some more ideas for stock photos

I’m not sure how long I can keep this up, but ideas keep popping up for what would make a new concept for a stock photo. First, don’t forget to choose a few of your coronavirus images (if you made any) and add the extra word Covid-19 into the keywords and perhaps description. This new official name may be searched for, and not as many people will bother to do this. As always, that extra piece of work can make all the difference!

Today, I have two ideas for you. However, one of them is a real long shot, but is very poorly covered at the moment. I saw an article about how the registrar for .com websites is going to be allowed to put up their prices by around 70% over the next 10 years and it was illustrated by .com spelled out on a keyboard. But that reminded me of another thing going on – a private equity company is buying the .org registry that is used by many charities and so the expectation is that they will want to maximize their return. After all, they spent $1.13 billion dollars on this!! So now might be the time to get some concept shots of various ways of showing domain names with .org as well as money, prices going up etc. I haven’t done any of these yet.

My long shot idea is around a startup from the UK called What3Words. Their idea (which I think is great) is that they have mapped every square meter on the earth and given each one a three letter word that uniquely defines that spot. So a place alongside the fence of the White House is ///

using what3words app to define a specific location on the planet. This one is the white house in washington DC

I thought this was slightly amusing with the claims over Hunter Biden, but maybe that joke is only for followers of US politics! Anyway, this company is starting to make headway with car companies and others to allow you to input these words into your GPS or satnav and be taken to an exact spot – as good as very specific latitude and longitude numbers, but far easier to remember. In Hawaii recently I knew the Hertz car rental place was in a particular hotel, but when I arrived on the road I couldn’t see how to get into the hotel never mind how to find the rental place. If I had been given a specific square meter to head to, it would have been so much easier.

So the idea today is to illustrate the uses of What3Words in case it does take off and become commonplace. I struggled with getting the shot above into Shutterstock (they said it was altered editorial), but other sites took it. Shutterstock and the others took this one:

what3words app on an iphone with google maps, maps and waze
what3words app on an iPhone

I had a few others that Shutterstock rejected as similars. They are driving me mad on that at the moment. I had two shots in a place called Laie in Hawaii – one of the main sign in front of the Brigham Young University, the other of the main sign of the Laie Temple. The second was rejected as a similar!!

Anyway – good luck with these ideas. Gives you something to think about in the winter months…

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