Boosting blog relevance and ranking
The best way to get a high-ranking blog or website is to write compelling copy and to get good backlinks from other ranking sites. But how?
The best way to get a high-ranking blog or website is to write compelling copy and to get good backlinks from other ranking sites. But how?
Earlier in March, I wrote about my current strategy for promoting the sale of prints of my work. Basically, I am trying to draw people who are interested in my photography to my blog on BackyardImage which purely talks about the photographs themselves and the background to them. The images do link through to the site where someone could purchase a print, but I am aiming this site at potential buyers, not other photographers. I also want to directly collect...
What, again? Yes, I was invited to speak to a gathering of the Shutterbugs Excursion group via Zoom this week and hopefully educated and entertained the 40 or so people present. The plan was to speak for about 45 minutes, but with the questions and the interesting discussions, this extended to almost 100 minutes! If you really want to learn more about Stock Photography (and selling photo prints), you can find the recording of this session in my YouTube channel,...
Way back in September last year, I wrote about my experiences in trying, really hard, to use Social Media to boost my sales of prints on Fine Art America in particular. That post also links back to three earlier articles from when I started this effort at the early part of 2021. Now, after more than a year at this effort, has it been worthwhile? I wish I had a clear answer to that question. I did sell more prints...
Many of us have a portfolio site – perhaps selling prints, direct licensing of stock images, or just where we blog or write articles of interest to our friends and followers. Of course, much happens on Facebook and the like, but with their strong focus on earnings, they are reducing the reach of any posts which are not being promoted via their paid advertizing plans. So, we need to try to build an audience around what we do control –...
After six long months of effort, this article will outline how I went about trying to boost the sales of my “Fine Art” photos as print sales on Fine Art America and how successful I have been at that. I wrote about the plan for using Social Media as a way of driving traffic and buyers to my portfolio back in March, and really put the details into three articles in May. The first one was Using Social Media to...
I spent the weekend in bed with a fever (and a possible Covid infection for which I just received the results (negative!)) so I had time to think about many things. One was how to leave your stock photo portfolio to your heirs (which I really need to investigate), but I also started thinking about where ideas for stock photos come from – what makes a good stock photo these days? Of course, there are always needs for models doing...
I’m still trying to boost the sales of my Fine Art prints, which is a slow process! As part of that, I’m adding more photography or particularly travel photography related articles to my main photo portfolio site, BackyardImage where I have added a blog area. I also joined a group of bloggers from Fine Art America where we are all writing photography articles aimed more at a general reader, linking actively between each other (using a “Follow” setting on our...
Sorry – another fine art story! I will get back to stock photography soon… I recently produced three articles on Social Media for Photographers, and one of the issues I came across is how to feed the Pinterest beast with new pins showing off the latest images I have uploaded to Fine Art America. I use Tailwind to schedule these pins and that has a free pin creation system but it is limited to 15 pins a month. As I...
Facts help us make decisions, but facts about our aggregate sales on Fine Art America are pretty hard to come by. We get good information on each sale as it happens, you can see a list of all sales in the “Behind the Scenes” area under “Sales”, but how about answering the question – what is my most successful image in terms of print sales? How about which image does best on products other than prints? Where do my sales...